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Friday, November 6, 2009

Kea'au Elementary Fitness Lesson

These are pics from our second lesson over at Kea'au Elementary School. Fourth graders were taught basic core and sports skills.
Here, the team leads a loud 'Cougar' break at the end of the lesson.
Elias teaches the 'upward dog' position in yoga.
Tiffany and Tiara teach students balance on the IndoBoards.
Blade teaches 'side pillars' to develop core strength.
AJ and Shyla teach volleyball passing.
More volleyball.
Shyla drills students on setting.
Landru shows the students how to properly shoot a basketball.
Push-ups are practiced at Elias and Jess' station.
MaryJessica and Chelsy go over soccer passing.
Chely demonstrates running through the fitness ladder for agility.
Students perform toe touches to work their upper abs.
Landru demonstates 'flutter kicks' while Danielle explains.
Elias demonstrates a modified push-up.
Slow down Tiara!
What perfect skipping form!
Students warm up with side to side lunges.
More dynamic warm ups. Lunges!
AJ shows off the straight leg kick as students look on and copy. My, what flexibility!
Students go over the 'target heart rate' concept with the fourth graders.

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