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Monday, November 23, 2009


Hi all. Sorry for the late posting. Anyway, please address the following:
1) after viewing the video, evaluate/reflect on your personal performance of the elementary lesson in a paragraph.
2) evaluate/reflect on your designated classmate's performance (2 positives and 1 constructive).

I'll extend the deadline and give you until Wednesday 6:00pm.


  1. 1) In the weeks that have followed my acceptance in the Kea'au High School GT P.E. class, I have come to a self evaluation that when helping younger children, it gives you an experience one cannot achieve doing anything else. I feel so morally lifted by all the young children of Kea'au Elementary that my dream job now, is to become an elementary school teacher. The joy and the fun filled spirits of these youngsters are stress relievers for us high school seniors who know that high school can be emotionally stabbing. I believe that I may have shown some of these elementary students to strive, be an athlete and a role model in our community, like the thirteen of us that stand in front of them. Although I may have gotten a B for my mid-quarter, I know in my heart that I achieved an A, and so will many of the elementary students that I have come across, helping them along the way.

    Shannon Ku'ulei Pii'aloha Taylor Kukui Llama White

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 2) My designated classmate for my evaluation, shall be none other than the infamous, Blade Michael Ota. Blade has an outgoing, hardworking, never second always first attitude that shows the elementary students how devoted he is to helping them learn what we are trying to achieve with them. He shows examples for the youngsters by doing the core exercises with them, rooting them on, to not quit. Although he has so many positives in him, he also like everybody else, has negatives. He may sometime let outside social activity get to him. For example, couple lessons ago, he missed an elementary school lesson because of an emotional problem, that left his partner to do everything by himself! But his partner tackled the job with ease and forgave Blade... a few days later. But none the less, Blade may go down as one of the greatest GT PE students the history of the class.

    Shannon Ku'ulei Pii'aloha Taylor Kukui Llama White

  4. As a student at Keaau High School, and being a part of the G.T P.E class improved my self confidence in speaking aloud and in understanding into what is being said. I know now on what needs to be fixed after watching lesson we've already done. I believe that helping others as well as my self can lead a bigger and better community. I have learned alot during this experience, but I definitely have lots of things to work on. I will do my best by helping the elementary students as well as my fellow classmates.

    tiffany ramos

  5. I'd like to start of by saying that Shannon White is an excellent writer and should pursue a career in professional journalism.

    1. In reflection of my personal performance, I believe that I have completed all my tasks assigned in an adequate and professional manner in which substanial results were achieved that clearly exceeded any set standards. Although, like any normal person, I have been prone to minor verbal mistakes which may have momentarily degraded opinion on my own character but I believe such minor errors should be excusable. In conclusion, I truly believe that through my efforts to educate the young children at Kea'au Elementary that I have earned for myself a well deserved A.

    2.For my peer critique I will proceed in a simpler bullet like format.

    Classmate Evaluated: Danielle Mestuzzi
    Positive #1: Danielle does an excellent job grabbing the attention of the young students and thouroughly explaining activities in an understable manner.

    Positive #2: She also actively engaged with students while they were doing their activites with positive encouragement and tips on how to perform better.

    Constructive Criticism: The only mistake I may have noticed from Danielle is that she may have forgotten to indicate which muscles were being stretched during her assigned warm up.

    -Dr. Landru Parker

  6. As being a part of the GT PE class, I feel that I have become more confident when speaking in front of my classmates and to the children we teach at KES. In doing so, I know I have to work on some word usage. I enjoy interacting with and helping the children. I've learned so much in this class and can't wait until we go out into the community to teach and inform them of our skills and knowledge of physical fitness. Thank you Mr. Taketa for believing in all of us!

    Daniel Boggeln,
    First of all, sorry if I spelled your last name wrong. Watching you teach at your station, I liked how you individually helped the children, especially because of the noise level and how some couldn't understand. I also liked how you were very enthusiastic of what you were teaching, because of that, you got the childrens' attention within the time limit. The only thing you should change is what Mr. Taketa mentioned: either face away from them or do opposite of them. Other than that, GOOD JOB!
    -Jessalyn A.

  7. 1. After viewing the video of all of us working together at the elementary school I think we did a really good job. In my performance, I can see that I need to speak louder and be more clear when I am explaining things. Also, when I am working with the kids in our individual groups I need to be more encouraging and make sure that they understand what they're doing it, and that they're performing the task correctly. For example, when we're teaching them leg lifts, I should go around and give them constructive criticism. Overall, I think that I have worked well with them and have improved a lot since the first lesson we taught. I think our entire class is doing really great and has shown a lot of improvement.

    Jessalyn Albano.
    I think that you do a really good job of speaking clearly and explaining everything really well.
    Also, I think that you show a lot of confidence when you're speaking in front of the group and also in your personal lessons.
    The only thing I think you should work on is making sure you're using the correct termonology. For example, instead of saying "pulse's" you should say "pulse" and instead of saying "bumps" you should say "heart beats". Other than that, I think you do a really great job working with the kids and everything else is wonderful!

    Danielle Mestuzzi

  8. Personally, I think that I did very well.I think that i need to put more into my examples of showing the athletic stance.
    Mary Jessica is very active with the children. she positive attitude towards the kids. But, she needs to improve on her speaking skills.

    -Uncle AJ

  9. I think that I did a farely well job. I did have good interaction with the kids and for the most part I explained things well to them. I feel like I need to work on my speech and how I speak with the kids to get them more interested and to keep their attention.

    Elias spoke well to the kids. They listened to him and he spoke clearly. Also he explained what they needed to do good. One thing that he could improve on is maybe just a little more personal interaction with each of the kids.


  10. I think that i did a good job with the kids but i think i need to work on my speaking skills and explain things more clear.Other then that i think i did alrite with everything else.

    she is very good with the kids and she explains things very well and knows whats shes doing. ONe thing she can improve on is speaking louder and clearer when shes talkin to the kids when were doing our stretches.

  11. Daniel Boggeln-
    I belive i did a good job on my lesson. But after viewing the Video i realized that i fidget atlot wen i am talking to the students. Another thing that i could work on is mirroring the correct hitting for for the students. So when there is a right handed student i bat lefty to mirror them.

    I think that you do a good job working with the student. I belive that your strong points are that you speak loudly and clearly. Another is that you have a nice and easy lesson plan that just sets up the student to get threw it quickly and everybody has a chance to try. one thing that you could work on is making the lesson alittle more exciting.
