Kea'au High School Official Website

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Monday, November 23, 2009


Hi all. Sorry for the late posting. Anyway, please address the following:
1) after viewing the video, evaluate/reflect on your personal performance of the elementary lesson in a paragraph.
2) evaluate/reflect on your designated classmate's performance (2 positives and 1 constructive).

I'll extend the deadline and give you until Wednesday 6:00pm.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kea'au Elementary Running Program: November 19

Coach Shyla preps students on a fun fitness relay game.
AJ breaks through the tunnel!
Landru and MaryJessica form a tunnel for students to run through.
Tiffany lends a helping 'high five' hand!
Danielle looks on and provides encouraging words.
Stampers Jessalyn, Elias, and Shannon get busy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

KES Lesson #4

Ms. Okumoto-Menezes' 5th grade class.
Students performing crunches under the watchful eye of Coach Tiffany.
Nice squats! Coach Daniel and Coach AJ look on.
Coach AJ demonstrates the 'athletic position' as Coach Daniel explains how it's done.
The team goes over heart rate concepts.
Students listen in as their instructed on a new warm-up exercise.
Line up!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Evolution of the GT uniform

Each year, students in the GT class are allowed to design their own uniforms to be worn at all teaching functions. What a long way they've come in their creative efforts. Click on each pic for a closer look and to see the names of the students in each class.
Here is the '10 short sleeve (front).
'10 back.

'09 long sleeve
'10 long sleeve
'10 back with the unique and awesome scratching paw.
'09 short sleeve. My favorite color. Notice the side design.
'09 back.
'08 short sleeve. Notice the creative side and sleeve designs.
'08 back.
'08 long sleeve. I like the hot contrasting colors they selected. You could spot them from a mile away.
'08 back. Notice the sleeve designs.
The inaugural class of '07...
They set the tone with their design. Ace Duyao created the 'official' GT logo pictured here above the names. This is to be used by later classes as shown in the their designs. They also set the bar with their extreme work ethic and practices. Thanks class of '07. You had the 'answers.'

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lesson 3 at KES

Ms. Nakano and Ms. Delfin's 4th Graders
AJ and Daniel teaching how to throw.
A student shows off her shooting technique...with a smile!
At the obliques station, students perform the side to side core movement.
Landru watches his students perform their shooting drills.
Proper hitting platforms required for passing a volleyball.
Blade and Shannon watch their students do the side pillars to develop core strength.
At the agilities station, students perform the high knee run through the fitness ladders.
Students practice correct squat technique in order to stregthen their quads, gluts and hamstrings.
Leg raises are done to target lower abs.
"Watch me as I perform a perfect push-up," says Elias.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kea'au Elementary Fitness Lesson

These are pics from our second lesson over at Kea'au Elementary School. Fourth graders were taught basic core and sports skills.
Here, the team leads a loud 'Cougar' break at the end of the lesson.
Elias teaches the 'upward dog' position in yoga.
Tiffany and Tiara teach students balance on the IndoBoards.
Blade teaches 'side pillars' to develop core strength.
AJ and Shyla teach volleyball passing.
More volleyball.
Shyla drills students on setting.
Landru shows the students how to properly shoot a basketball.
Push-ups are practiced at Elias and Jess' station.
MaryJessica and Chelsy go over soccer passing.
Chely demonstrates running through the fitness ladder for agility.
Students perform toe touches to work their upper abs.
Landru demonstates 'flutter kicks' while Danielle explains.
Elias demonstrates a modified push-up.
Slow down Tiara!
What perfect skipping form!
Students warm up with side to side lunges.
More dynamic warm ups. Lunges!
AJ shows off the straight leg kick as students look on and copy. My, what flexibility!
Students go over the 'target heart rate' concept with the fourth graders.