Kea'au High School Official Website

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Monday, February 27, 2012

KES monthly Mighty Milers program

Students helped out with the 'Mighty Milers' running program at the elementary last week Thursday.

Featured student of the week: Konnor Kanetani

  • AKA: KonnorMon

  • Grade: 12 Seniors!

  • Post high school plans: undecided. Hopefully USCGA

  • Major: Engineering

  • Career aspirations: To become a successful engineer someday.

  • Interests/hobbies: having fun, staying fit, playing baseball

  • Fun fact: "I love to eat all kine good food and can almost dunk!"

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Featured student of the week: LoriannTenorio

  • AKA: Lori

  • Grade: 12

  • College: University of Hawaii, at Hilo

  • Major: Nursing

  • Aspirations to become a Registered Nurse

  • Interests/Hobbies: Reading, drawing, surfing on the Internet

  • Fun Fact: "I give out good advice to anyone who asks."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Adapted PE Lesson (group 3)

Today's lesson focus was on rhythms. DDR was the culminating activity of the day. It's always a hit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Group 2 lesson

Today's lesson was on core fitness and muscular endurance exercises with the resistance bands.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Featured Student of the Week: Natalie Hagemann

  • Grade: 11

  • College plans: Universisty of Portland

  • Major: Environmental Science/Biology

  • Career Aspirations: Conservation and alternative energy field

  • Hobbies: running, cooking, reading, tumbling

  • Interesting fact: "My favorite show is Doctor Who" (on the BBC)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Featured student of the week: Rayline Mae-Adrian

  • AKA: Ray

  • Grade: Senior

  • Post High School Plans: Attend Grand Canyon University and major in Pre-med or biology

  • Career aspirations: To become a Pediatrician

  • Hobbies: staying active, getting involved, and helping others

  • Interesting fact: "I have a pet chinchilla. My favorite classes are History and Human Physiology. I like the colors yellow, black, and blue. And I'm scared of bees.."